Using Psychedelics to Bring Forth the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection with Austin Mao

The mind, body, and spirit connection is this idea that the mind, body, and spirit are all connected – and that mindfulness has a significant place in the acceptance and compassion that we can feel towards ourselves. 

According to Austin Mao, founder of the startup church Ceremonia, we can heal our bodies of diseases just by listening to our bodies and our intuition for the signals they provide. By doing that, we can then discover the seat of our energies. 

Practices to Connect the Mind-Body-Spirit

1. Train the mind to doubt itself.

Train the mind to separate itself from the story. Recognize that everything you believe you feel is a protection mechanism from an imagined pain programming you learned from childhood.

2. View all feelings as a gift.

Because our bodies are that projector of the spirits, the deeper connection that we have with our bodies, the deeper connection we have with our feelings.

3. Tap into your intuition or non-linear thinking.

Intuition is all about a gravitational pull towards an idea that you may not even know the steps to get there, but you know that’s the right move to take.

The practical step to feeling that connection between mind, body, and spirit is to quiet the mind, which can be done through meditation. It can also be done through the psychedelic experience.

The Role of Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

The Imperial College of London Center of Psychedelic Studies performed brain scans with people on psychedelics and compared that with advanced meditators and children. The study found that all three share the same default mode network of the brain that gets quieted.

Babies are born completely without ego. The ego is then formed as a protective mechanism that is stored in our default mode network. As we get older, that default mode network becomes more and more active. 

In the psychedelic experience, imagine that your mind reverts to a childlike state where those patterns are deconstructed and it allows you to witness the truth of life as an adult.If you want to learn more about The Alchemist Lounge Podcast, check out

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