A cellular memory jolt from macrodosing requires preparation

A cellular memory jolt from macrodosing requires preparation

One of the extraordinary benefits of high-dose psychedelic experiences derived from macrodosing is healing ancestral trauma. We all inherit cellular memory, as well as certain tendencies and fears, that are passed down generationally. It’s in our DNA or bloodline and part of our respective heritages. For example, I learned about some criminal behavior that was passed along on my father’s side and dysfunctionality on my mother’s side.

These inherited wounds and traumas get released during a macro journey in a very interesting way where you actually go back into your childhood and start to remember things that you don’t even think you made. The use of psychedelics is one way to start the healing process, not just for where you are in life but also where your ancestors are concerned.

So as you heal your own trauma, you also heal parents’ trauma. But given how potentially jarring and sometimes unexpected these experiences can be when you have a psychedelic trip, preparation for any macrodosing journey is critically important. Ingesting large doses of psychedelic drugs could throw someone over the top. There may be memories embedded in sexual trauma, for instance, or things that may not show up in someone’s conscious and potentially not even in their subconscious that they should be prepared for along the way to healing.

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