#InternationalCatDay How I Ended Up a Fan of Felines

#InternationalCatDay: How I Ended Up a Fan of Felines

On International Cat Day, which is celebrated August 8, I can’t help but reflect on my journey from dog lover to fan of furry felines. Toward the end of high school, I was dating a girl who moved into the room above her parent’s garage – a space she shared with two house cats. After spending the night, I remember waking up at 2 a.m. and my entire face was completely swollen, I was itching all over and couldn’t swallow. To make matters worse, one of her cats would take swipes at me while I was sleeping and really didn’t care for me so much.

Then when I was in college, my roommate wanted to get a cat that he felt really bad for because it had seen its mother eaten by a wolf. This cat, which happened to be hypoallergenic, decided to inflict that trauma back upon me like all through that time with strategic ambushing. Eventually, I had to move out of that apartment. But my allergy to cats dissipated over the past 10 years, which has opened my eyes to just how deep these creatures are and their place in history dating back to ancient Egypt.

Recently, my partner and I adopted an extremely loving and regal-like cat who is very feminine and shy. Now I’m starting to become a cat person. I think cats are very curious about humans and how we operate, while humans are equally curious about how cats are equally evasive and loving. They know what’s cute and when to roll around. So, for cat lovers everywhere, be sure to take the time to rejoice in that special bond!

Previous Article: #DayOfFriendship: an Annual Cause for Celebration of Besties!

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