The Alchemist Lounge
with Alex Atwood
Are you in the process of creating something huge and want to understand how others have done it or Have you already found success and still feel something is missing?
Welcome to THE ALCHEMIST LOUNGE – A podcast where Alex Atwood chats with top performers to discover habits, routines, and Alchemy that you can put to work in your own life.
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043: The Quest To Elevate The Business World Holistically – Marcus Druen
The current corporate nature produces members trapped in a rat race without a chance for fulfillment and transformation. But luckily, there are available solutions to

042: How to Unlock the Abundance in Your Life with Brandon Beachum
If you feel stuck or you feel like nothing seems to be going your way, stop looking for reasons outside – and start looking within

041: Mastering Microdosing with Paul Austin
The use of psychedelics allows for healing and transformation. However, a lot of people shy away from it primarily because of the stigma associated with

040: Transforming Healthcare Through Digital Therapeutics with Lyle Maxson
Imagine a world of virtual reality where people are healed of their illnesses and any kind of pain is gone. We’re no longer far from

039: How to Access the Frequency of Your Heart with Ana Maria Badila
We are all divine beings embodying a human experience and in order to attain that enlightenment, the body, mind, and heart have to align with

038: Connecting the Golden Thread of Humanity with Jeff Scult
We live in a society where we’re taught that our clothes are disposable. 80 billion new pieces of clothes are made every year and 87%